1st students meeting

The 1st students’ meeting of our project took place on the 2nd of April 2021 with 100 students and 30 teachers from 5 countries, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Turkey, Romania. Greece hosted the meeting and after the welcome speech by the coordinator of the project, Mrs Corinna Pertsinidou, an “ice breaking” activity was launched where each student said what he / she loves to do the most and then gave the floor to another in random order.

Then each team presented its country, town and school and their work done so far regarding bullying and violent behaviors as well as ways to deal with them. It was a rewarding and constructive meeting that traveled us, even online, to five different countries and cultures. What is more, students’ views on violence in school and how to deal with it had much in common and exuded the same needs for cultivating social skills and basic life values.

Students were also introduced themselves through the jamboard online tool. At the end, all teachers were impressed by the very positive feelings that the students expressed at the end of the meeting.

Through these meetings students get more involved, enrich their learning opportunities and their respect of different cultures and diversity is promoted.

We congratulate all the students of the program for their impeccable and quality presence at the meeting but also for the work they did. We congratulate all the teachers of the program who, despite the adverse conditions, keep on working and guiding their students towards the common goals of this European program.